The old man said leisurely, "The sword defeated me, the elders of Shenjian Mountain defeated the flame, the dragon defeated the light, the holy bishop of the holy temple defeated the darkness, the immortal clan was hungry, and the skull king summoned the white tiger to defeat the demon king in the forest, which is your best area. What is the origin of defeating this gate?"

Mo Feng said in a low voice, "I don’t know, it’s like suddenly appearing."
The old man said leisurely, "The style of defeating the elders of the holy places by myself reminds me of an era when Meng Haoran’s saints were fighting against each other!"
Mo Feng hesitated and said, "I heard that Meng Haoran came out."
The old man walked over and said, "He abandoned his flesh and his lofty spirit. It’s long gone."
Mo Feng asked, "What attitude should we take towards the gate, Elder?"
The old man narrowed his eyes and said, "In all the holy places, it is the temple that wants to get rid of the door and then quickly. Let’s take a look at the temple for the time being! You go to heal first. "
"Yes ~" Mo Feng bowed his head and turned and walked out.
Similar conversations have taken place in Yu Shengdi, and they all made the same choice with Excalibur Mountain, watching the temple and the gate coldly.
There is a huge population of imperial palaces in the center of the East Stone Country.
A magnificent temple hangs in the imperial city. This is the imperial palace. There is a towering dragon statue in each direction of the palace. The huge body of the earth is bent with a horizontal faucet. The bottom of the palace supports and guards the palace. The whole palace is sacred and auspicious. It is almost inhuman all the year round.
In a palace, the stone emperor sits high and looks down like a noble Jade Emperor, kneeling on his father-in-law Shi Yuan, and the whole hall exudes heavy majesty.
Shi Huang’s majestic voice began, "Manager Wang, are you sure that is the child of that year?"
Father-in-law Wang knelt down and respectfully said, "A servant will never admit that his forehead is too much like princess royal."
Shi Yuan said in a low voice, "He is no longer the child in those days. Now he worships the door and enters the vast land. After successively defeating the land, Tianjiao in the holy land has broken through to the extraordinary land."
"the door?" Shihuang’s great hall rang.
Father-in-law Wang respectfully said, "It’s a clan in the Western Regions. It’s not clear."
"Then check it!"
"Yes ~" Wang Gonggong immediately replied.
Shi Yuan hesitated and said, "He said he would come to you for justice."
"Fair?" The stone emperor smiled and said, "If he has the ability to walk up to me and prove his ability, I will forgive him his mother’s sins."
Wang’s father-in-law Shi Yuanqi bowed down and said, "Be kind and virtuous."
The stone emperor said, "Go! King Wuling came to see me ~ "
"Yes ~"
Wang Gonggong Shi Yuan got up and respectfully withdrew from the hall.
Tens of thousands of fifth-order powers will leave the secret realm from the vast desert. Things in the secret realm have been defeated by Li Pingan, and the elders of the holy land have gone out. As Zhao Xinyue said, the doors are well-known and broadcast in more than three domains, especially some big powers are well known.
A few days later, a jasper flying boat suddenly crossed the thunder moat and stopped.
Shi Fang flew out of the jasper flying boat and stretched it out. The jasper flying boat shrank and fell into the palm of his hand. The jasper flying boat in other areas is still too conspicuous to be low-key.
The distortion in Shi Fang’s figure disappeared in situ.
After a long time, a robe and stone shovel appeared in front of a magnificent city, and pedestrians in front of the city gate all carried swords and swords with a deep breath.
Shi Fang walked into the city along the stream of people and watched curiously. Shops on both sides of the city sold things that practitioners had, such as cherishing medicinal materials, protecting armor and defending magic weapons, which were very different from the western cities.
Shi Fang casually stretched out his hand and stopped a few people next to him to jump to the sword and sword, and watched Shi Fang warily.
Chapter three hundred and thirty Domain
Shi Fang was embarrassed. I didn’t expect them to reflect so much. I immediately gave a gift and said with a smile, "You laymen are polite and want to ask you for a message when you first arrive in your place."
"mental derangement ~" a man with a black robe hung over him took a big step towards the distance with a cold hum.
"I’m not afraid of death!" On the other side, a one-eyed swordsman sneered at Shi Hao with malicious intent and then strode away.
The rest of the people also gave Shi Fang a hard stare and quickly sank into the stream of people without answering.
Shi Fang touched his nose and straightened up. People here are really unfriendly!


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