"What are the characteristics of this blood?" Wentao really wants to know whether this kind of blood will be there when Yu Ting meets the situation.

"Don’t ask me about this. I don’t know."
"It seems that you will say so much about this matter?"
Wentao hit the gourd cover and patted Jin Mang on the shoulder. "I’m going to treat you. By the way, help me think about how to solve the first problem for a while. I’ll leave some black substances and … Ah … If I can hit you, I’ll beat you up."
"Ha ha ….." Jin Mang laughed. "I’m looking forward to one day, but you got … ahem … looking forward to it."
"Speak hesitatingly, I think you’d better talk less." Wentao shook his head and knew that Jin Mang had difficulties and didn’t force him.
"Yes," said Jin Mang, who refused to say anything.
Wentao began to treat Jin Mang. His arm condition is much more serious than that of the front brain and heel, but Wentao has enough blood this time, and there is not much to do this time.
Is to carry out a fusion process bit by bit, and then take out those golden mang bodies that have formed colloidal substances from a cut wound.
Jin Mang is sober this time, and Jin Mang himself feels a little embarrassed, but he also has unspeakable difficulties to help Wentao think about how to solve the first problem.
"With …" Wen Tao fused Jin Mang’s body poison, and most of his arms returned to normal. Jin Mang suddenly thought of it.
"Talk about" Wentao to continue his own work.
"You keep doing it, you wait, and finally I tell you that I can seal it a little." Jin Mang didn’t explain it in detail.
At this time, Wentao didn’t pay much attention to it, so he couldn’t be distracted at all. This black substance, like the super pollution source, will spread carelessly, just like a war, and it is recovering lost ground.
But this progress can’t stop. If there is a pause, these black substances will spread again.
When Wen Tao forced the last black substance to the name of Jin Mang, the special power of Jin Mang immediately rushed.
I have been treating Jin Mang for a long time. Wentao suddenly feels wrong. What’s going on in an instant? I know that I can stop Jin Mang’s name and finger from falling off from the palm of my hand like it automatically falls off. Jin Mang immediately catches the palm of his hand and has a layer of strength to wrap his finger and give it to Wentao.
"That’s enough."
Although there are mending heaven pills and Wen Tao forbidding needles to amputate fingers, but if Wen Tao had known this practice, he would definitely not agree with it now …
A fait accompli can also make a mistake. Wen Tao put his finger in the ring. "If I had known this, I would have scrapped your arm directly after cleaning up the black matter in your brain and body."
Wentao is very dissatisfied and unhappy.
"Then how can we seal this thing without leaking? It’s just that I have gained a fifth of my strength. It’s two concepts to temporarily control my arm and seal it after cutting it off. Besides, if my arm is cut off, it will damage a lot, which is absolutely different." Wentao was really dissatisfied with his decision. Jin Mang comforted him. "Don’t worry, one finger doesn’t have much influence."
"It’s not easy!" Window suddenly shook his head with a sigh
As Wen Tao said, Jin Mang is the kind of wisdom with a position and a position.
Wentao said so, he immediately felt wrong, and then he thought of Wentao’s state of mind. Although he gave up a name, he should not let him have such a big movement. Even if his heart is really uncomfortable, he will not show his face so clearly.
Obviously, this is intentional
It is not difficult to think that Wentao intends to lead him to talk, but he has not found himself wrong now.
"Tell me what you found?" Jin Mang himself really wants to hear what Wentao can hear from his few words.
This is also a battle of wits, but all our own fights are conspired by Jin Mang, so Wentao told him.
"Kyubi no Youko tian hu, you are a group of little foxes and dragons in your eyes, and you are a little loach in your mouth. When you say Yuanti, you feel a sense of equality and a little respect. It can be seen that this Yuanti is powerful and hierarchical, but now the secular world is very fixed. There should be no such thing. That is to say, this Yuanti should be in the celestial world. This can prove that I guessed that you came from the celestial world and you first said that your body is really a problem. I always feel very strange that I am not white. What will be a good feeling?"
"Today, I really understand that the root of this body is not your body. From what you said before, your arm will lose more strength and your name will lose strength. From the point of view, it is very similar to scattered immortals. It is generally not very important for Yuan Ying not to be hit hard. You said that your name will lose some strength, although it is rare to say that your physical attributes are very similar to Yuan Ying."
Wen Tao continued to analyze, "I still can’t figure out one thing. It is estimated that you won’t say that if your body is a yuan baby, there will be a yuan baby, but your yuan baby body is the same as that of ordinary people. Of course, you may have your own methods. Simply put, you have synthesized so many words. This is not your body."
"Ha ha ….." Jin Mang stared at Wentao for half a minute. Wentao’s eyes were firm, confident and calm, and he was confident that he would not be transferred by external forces, even if landslides would not change.
Jin Mang laughed and said, "You are really imaginative when you are young. It’s a pity that I’m not interested in continuing to develop associations with you. You can think whatever you want."
Sure enough, it is cunning and cunning, but Wentao doesn’t care about these places. Wentao simply doesn’t even pick up this topic anymore.
"When you leave now or stay here for a while," Wentao asked him directly.
Wen Tao can go out at any time in the northeast world because he knows the power of the northeast world, but it is a fixed place every time he comes in.
"Now" Jin Mang’s heart is secretly called "Hanging Heart", and he can’t say more than one redundant word. It’s so cunning that he can guess so many things. If he says more, I’m afraid he shouldn’t let them know everything.
That would be a problem, but it’s amazing how small it is
It’s a shame that he has secrets, but there are some things in him that he can’t see through, and his medical skills have saved himself again and again, and he has repeatedly created miracles.
Now he has met the person who has the blood of meta-body. It should be that Yu Ting. It seems that his road will be much longer than he expected.
I still have things to solve, otherwise I really want to be with him and these people in their Shuxin clinic. These people have the cultivation realm, and other sects have never had the passion of vigor and blood, and they can’t find it anywhere else.
Wen Tao, in particular, created everything himself and always made people unexpected.
I really want to see how many miracles he will create along the way.
"Go" to see if he doesn’t want to say more. Wentao smiled in his heart and took Jin Mang out directly.
After going out, Jin Mang left again to be busy with his affairs. Wentao is not going to help Yu Ting solve her blood problem so soon, because she hasn’t made herself white about black matter and her blood yet.
Rain Ting Jing sometimes makes Wentao feel afraid. If she has a strong power and enters this circle, Wentao feels more pressure than the four factions now.
Before Wentao decided to go there, Wentao found that the communication stone kept shaking. First, it was an emergency message from Grade Four.
"Boss, that’s too bad. I just realized that I’m going to Du Jie in a month! ! !”
Wentao stared at the communication Lingshi and suddenly laughed to Du Jie. Well, that’s a robbery and scattered fairy tales, and it happened that he was worried about soaring in this period. Before the conference, he couldn’t find a few more people to soar in Du Jie. Because everyone in the fix-true world has widened his eyes, and anyone else’s Du Jie soaring will definitely cause trouble.
Du Jie, a scattered fairy, hasn’t experienced nine robberies before he can soar. I don’t know the strength of the first robbery of scattered fairy, for example, if the strength is too poor, it will be boring, but there is still some fear in seeing the meaning of Xiao Si. After all, it will be doomed, but he still doesn’t know that his boss is specialized in treating natural disasters.


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