"Poof bursts" aside with Zofija covering his mouth can’t help laughing out of the original has always maintained a serious face at this time also slightly stretched some.

"It’s really disconnected …" Leighton glanced at the screen information. "The troops stationed in the restricted area told us that the communication connection between the Qianhai floating platform and the Ark was broken in two hours. They could also connect with several nearby transit stations, but the situation of those transit stations was the same-the equipment was checked for nothing, and no interference sources were detected nearby, but the signal from the Ark was not received."
"What is this?" Zorig figure heaved a sigh of relief. "If there is no problem in transit, then the problem is … the ark?"
"There’s something wrong, but it’s good for us anyway." The hound glanced at the console screen. "It’s almost the end of the fucking route. Why doesn’t Aguna Kotor show any signs of slowing down? Do you really want to plunge into the water?"
"When the route sees the plane terminal coordinates, it doesn’t show the horizontal height …" Leighton muttered, "I think the real probability is that there is nothing on the sea surface. It’s not that Aguna Kotor brought us all the way here to blow the sea breeze, is it?"
"By the way, speaking of blowing sea breeze … is the guy who destroyed the black fleet still blowing sea breeze?" The hound suddenly remembered and asked
"No, that guy has returned to Agunaco Tor, but I can’t find its location in Towery due to my limitations."
"Koran said that the guy was asleep before he appeared, and there were too many hidden angles of a warship in Aguna Kotor’s department. If we can find them, it’s normal. If we can find them, we don’t need to form a joint exploration group … To tell the truth, I’d rather that guy stay quietly and don’t do anything best," said the hound
"What? It was only by its strength that the black fleet was solved before? " Leighton asked.
"Too much power … is not necessarily a good thing, especially if it is out of control after exceeding a certain limit. Have you ever thought about what will happen?"
Chapter one hundred and thirty-four Submarine Pyramids
"Out of control …" Leighton was imagining a cold sweat seeping from his forehead.
"Let’s not talk about this. The horse is about to reach the destination coordinates. I estimate that Aguna Kotor will plunge directly into the sea with a high probability … something with such a large volume and quality will definitely trigger a huge wave. Leighton informed the troops stationed on the floating platform in Yihai to prepare them for resisting the wave."
Leighton had just sent a message to the troops stationed on the platform. Less than two seconds later, the bow of Agunakatore, which was in a horizontal flight state, suddenly sank in the whole warship, spun 90 degrees and fell straight toward the sea!
"I’ll go!" The hound consciously grasped the guardrail outside the console, but the ground of the core power room did not become inclined due to the falling posture of the warship. Obviously, it was designed like a suspended cockpit of the mecha.
"Mom, this stimulates …" Leighton stared at the console image and murmured.
Even if they want to enter the water, Aguna Kotor should also find an angle to cut into the water obliquely, even if they want to land vertically, they should slow down. But no one thought that Aguna Kotor not only didn’t take the brakes, but rushed towards the water like a direct projectile-fortunately, it is still far from the coast, otherwise a tsunami will be inevitable.
"Let the floating platform stationed in the sea stay in the aircraft department of the army and keep it at a height of three kilometers … the remaining people must dive into the water at a depth of fifty meters! Also, after Agunakotor enters the water, there will inevitably be a low pressure area at the stern, so those who dive to avoid the waves should be careful not to be caught in the whirlpool! " The hound said quickly.
It is very dangerous to dive into the water so close to the entry point of Agunakotor, but there is no way out-the survival rate will be lower than that of leaving the sea surface in the water.
It didn’t take long for the news to go out to see the suspended platform at sea. Those planes took off one after another, and the rest of them quickly sailed in the opposite direction on several speedboats.
"Damn it, I told them to hide under the water, not to run by boat!" The hound punched his thigh in exasperation. "Are there bubbles in these guys’ brains? How fast can the ship have waves? "
"They replied that they didn’t have that much diving equipment and had sent a message for help to the nearest cruise fleet if the message could be received …"
"Alas, it seems that they can help themselves …" The hound sighed as it got closer and closer to the sea.
There is toxic and high-intensity radiation in the seawater of China Sea. If you fall into the sea without wearing protective equipment, you may die. If you escape by boat, you may still have a chance.
But just as Aguna Kotor was about to touch the sea surface, the battleship’s energy shield suddenly hit the maximum power, and a large amount of seawater boiled instantly and then evaporated into a whirlpool. Suddenly, the sea surface appeared-those who fled the speedboat and the sea suspension platform were directly involved in this whirlpool and instantly twisted into pieces.
"Damn it!" The hound stamped his foot on the floor and there was a trace of unbearable in his eyes.
As the seawater was evaporated, the resistance of Agunakotor became smaller, and many of them got into the seawater very smoothly, and then quickly dived toward the bottom of the sea.
"We are still 2,400 meters away from the seabed … At this momentum, we will directly crash into that city, which is likely to trigger a severe undersea earthquake," Leighton said.
"Earthquake is earthquake. Isn’t this the thing that caused the earthquake in the lava mining area … anyway, this sea area is no longer a stronghold, and those transit people in the coastal areas should have taken refuge. Let it crash," said the hound with a rotten look.
"Wrong" Zorig figure suddenly interjected at this time.
"What’s wrong?" The hound turned to take a look at the big Mongolian Han asked.
"When Kelan first arrived at the underwater city, it was not the seabed," Zorig said. "He had been to that city to build a raised platform instead of a flat seabed, and if it was this underwater city, Kelan couldn’t carry the huge water pressure at a depth of 3 kilometers."
"Grass!" The hound slapped himself on the forehead and cursed, "How could I forget such an important thing!"
"That is to say, this is a new relic that we have never explored," Zorig added.
Although the energy shield has been closed, Yagunakotor’s diving speed is still very fast, and he reached a depth of 300 meters from the seabed in less than 30 minutes.
Agunakotor stopped at this depth and floated quietly in the deep sea like a giant sleeping in the wild.
There is no equipment outside Yagunakotor. The monitoring screen is dark and nothing can be seen, but the landscape scanning equipment shows another screen in the form of 3D modeling of the shape of the seabed-the whole seabed is very flat, and the center of a pyramid-shaped building with an area about equal to the center of two elliptical city wrecks in the East Nine Districts is paved around.
Several people in the core power room are almost the first to pay attention to the pyramid-shaped building surface.
"It’s true that Kelan has never been to the underwater city," murmured the hound. "He has never been to a pyramid in the center of the underwater city, and the statues of stone pillars that can be seen everywhere in his description are not finished here."
The accuracy of the Pioneer icebreaker and the scanning equipment of Aguna Kotor can’t compare with the former. There is a "suspected city wreck" on the seabed, and the scanning equipment of Aguna Kotor can accurately outline the outline of each building.
"What do you think this pyramid is for?" Leighton asked.
The term "pyramid" comes from the ancient Egyptian Pharaoh’s mausoleum in the old era, and the Maya came to worship the temple, which also symbolizes some kind of mystery of the universe energy. "Zofija SOMA answered," But what the Alpha text represents is still inconclusive in academic circles. "
"Are there pyramid-shaped buildings in the remains of Alpha?" Feng han, who has never spoken in the corner, said, "I don’t know much about the ruins. I think you should be experts in this respect."
"Experts don’t deserve it, but I’ve seen the famous ruins even if I haven’t been to the general information." The tone of the hound is very serious, as if it were a different person. "There are not many pyramid-shaped buildings in the ruins … and most of them have no specific meaning or way."
"Old dog, do you remember when we first’ teamed up’ to explore the ruins?" Leighton tone suddenly became a bit odd.
"Of course, I remember the A-7 relic’ Glacier Fissure’, but after its twin relic’ Bottom Pit’ was exposed, this relic has completely collapsed and fallen into the abyss, even if there is something in it that has not been excavated, it is now buried deep underground."
"Do you remember the missing pilot’s body? It finally turned into a monster and we had a hard time killing it, "Leighton continued."
"Of course I remember, but compared with those enemies we met later, that monster can be considered a weak chicken." The hound nodded.
"The key is not the monster, but the sarcophagus that the monster climbed out of was placed on a high table shaped like a pyramid!" Leighton said
"Are you trying to say that this pyramid-shaped building is an alpha tomb? Just like those ancient pharaohs? " The hound frowned and said, "Building the mausoleum in the center of the city … Although it always makes me feel strange, it seems reasonable to think that this is Alpha and not all unreasonable places on earth."
"No, that’s not what I meant." But Leighton shook his head. "I think this is a temple or an altar."
"What?" The hound wondered, "Do you think that the body of the resurrected pilot was really put on the altar?"
"At that time, we all regarded the stone cabinet as a coffin, and the corpse of the pilot who climbed out from the inside reinforced our first impression again … but now we think that maybe we got into the house a little first … The stone cabinet probably didn’t come to put the body in the original way, but it was just because its size was too suitable."
"I suddenly remembered one thing," said Zorig Tu. "According to the survey data of the living area in the ruins of Alpha, the life of Alpha is obviously one size larger than that of human beings. Kelan also said that the image of Alpha in his’ dream’ video is similar to that of human beings, but it has a lot of tentacles. The whole body size is much larger than that of human beings … The size is just right for the’ sarcophagus’ and it is too small for Alpha people."
"The’ sarcophagus’ is actually a box to put things in," Zorig added. "Putting it is the broken stone tablet."
"According to Koran’s recollection, the stone tablet was engraved with prayers for the’ great god’ … so I would think that the pyramid-shaped stone tablet might be the altar of the Alpha to serve them." Leighton’s voice just fell and the whole person suddenly froze and turned to look at the hound. "Old dog … Aguna Kotor’s locked state was lifted."
"lifted? So you can control it now? " The hound immediately asked with a vibration.
"No, my operation limit has been deleted. I can’t move this big guy unless I can contact Kelan and ask him to give me the limit again." Leighton shook his head. "But now we can go out."
"Go out? How to get out? It’s 3 thousand meters deep outside. As soon as you get out, the bottom of the sea will be as thin as paper. "The hound shrugged." We are still in this prison. "
"It’s not impossible to go out if it’s a few people." Chi feng han came out. "At the beginning, we had all kinds of environmental equipment corresponding to various blocks in Agunakator’s department, including a small submersible that can accommodate four people. The ultimate depth of this submersible is about eleven thousand meters, and even the extreme sea’ Hell’s Eye’ can enter the depth of three kilometers."
"Deep submersible …" Hound and Leighton looked at each other, and both of them saw each other’s eyes with a little worry and fear. "I remember very clearly that when the’ Pioneer’ icebreaker was put down and the deep submersible was pulled, there was no living person inside … I prefer to call it an iron coffin."
"But this is the only way for us to leave now." feng han, who has never experienced the Underwater City incident pool, naturally won’t feel the same fear. It’s far from shocking to see the wreckage of the submersible that was fished up with his own eyes. "You can rest assured that this submersible is a Ye consortium, and my technician team and I have undergone a series of modifications and enhanced safety. You must know that when the scientific research team of the research institute explored the extreme sea’ Hell’s Eye’ abyss, a large number of prototypes of this type of submersible came so many times, not to mention this enhanced model."
"No, it’s not that we don’t trust the performance of the submersible …" The hound waved his hand. "Alas, if you don’t talk about it, you can bite the bullet even if the risk is great."
He knew that it was hard to change the situation if he continued to hesitate-although the closed passage was reopened, the situation that they were trapped remained unchanged, but the walls of the cage changed from Agunakotor hull to hundreds of millions of tons of seawater.


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